
I’ll Show You Mine (2023)

The Story

An author, who made a career by examining her own trauma, sits down to interview her nephew for a new book about his history as a model. Each of them reveal much more than expected and confront some of their most deeply hidden secrets.

The Deets

Runtime: 1h 42m
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Original Language: 
Release Date (US Theaters): Release Date (Theaters): Jun 23, 2023  Limited
Release Date (Streaming): Jun 23, 2023

Main Cast

Production & Crew

Distributor: Gravitas Ventures
Production Co: Duplass Brothers Productions
Director(s): Megan Griffiths
Producer(s): Mel Eslyn
Writer(s): Tiffany Louquet, Elizabeth Searle, David Shields
Cinematography: Jeremy Mackie
Music: Tomo Nakayama
Editor: Celia Beasley
Makeup Lead: Stacy Schneiderman (hair), Celeste Maxwell (makeup)
Costumes: Rebecca Luke

The Trailer