
El Ruby House (2023)

The Story

When a private family event gets leaked on social media, Ibrahim Al Ruby decides to live in a village with his wife and children, far from the pressure of modern life of Cairo. After his younger brother convinces Ibrahim to go back to the city for some important paperwork, the family embarks on a trip full of surprises.

The Deets

Runtime: 1h 41m
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Original Language: Arabic
Release Date (US Theaters): Jun 30, 2023 Limited

Main Cast

Karim Abdel Aziz
Kareem Mahmoud Abdel Aziz
Tara Emad
Moaaz Gad
Lucinda Soliman

Production & Crew

Distributor: Synergy Films
Production Co: Synergy Films
Director: Peter Mimi
Producer: Ahmed Badawy, Tamer Morsi
Writer: Reem El-Qamash, Mohamed El-Dabah
Makeup Lead:n/a
Costumes: n/a

The Trailer