Talk to Me (2023)
The Story
On her mom’s remembrance day, a young woman participates in a séance with friends. After lighting the candle and opening the door, the woman touches a hand and says, “Talk to me.” What follows is downright scary.

The Deets
Rating: R
Concerns: Strong/Bloody Violent Content, Some Sexual Material, Language Throughout
Runtime: 1h 35m
Genre: Horror, Mystery & thriller
Original Language: English (Australian)
Release Date (US Theaters): Jul 28, 2023 Limited
Main Cast
Sophie Wilde as Mia
Alexandra Jensen as Jade
Joe Bird as Riley
Otis Dhanji as Daniel
Miranda Otto as Sue
Zoe Terakes as Hayley
Production & Crew
Distributor: A24
Production Co: Causeway Films, Talk to Me Holdings, Bankside Films
Director: Danny Philippou, Michael Philippou
Producer: Samantha Jennings, Kristina Ceyton
Writer: Bill Hinzman, Danny Philippou
Music: Cornel Wilczek
Editor: Geoff Lamb
Makeup Lead: Marie Princi
Costumes: Anna Cahill