When You Want to Stream Indie Movies — These are the sites!
We’re starting a running list of sites that stream indie movies, other than the obvious (Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, etc.). Many of these are run by the indie studios themselves, so the offerings are limited to the company’s backlist.

“Watch great movies” is the tagline for indie film streaming site Mubi. The platform streams “ambitious films by visionary filmmakers” that are curated by their team. Mubi shows films that are screened at film festivals that might not have made it to the wide screen. Currently, we see posters on Mubi for Shiva Baby, 2046, and The Last Picture Show, among many others we’d like to hit “play” on. If an extensive offering of indie narrative and documentary films isn’t enough, Mubi allows users to download to watch later and it shows movies with no ads. Mubi currently offers a seven-day free trial, and regular memberships are priced at $12.99 a month. The price drops a significant 31% to $8.99 if billed in one payment for the year ($107.88 for the whole year).