Love Lies Bleeding (2024)
The Story
Gym manager Lou falls for Jackie, a bodybuilder who is passing through town en route to a competition in Las Vegas.

The Deets
Rating: R
Concerns: Violence, Language Throughout, Grisly Images, Drug Use, Nudity, Sexual Content
Runtime: 1h 49m
Genre: Mystery & thriller, Crime, Drama, Lgbtq+, Action
Original Language: English
Release Date (theaters): March 8, 2024
Main Cast
Kristen Stewart as Lou
Katy O’Brian as Jackie
Ed Harris as Lou Sr.
Jena Malone as Beth
Anna Baryshnikov as Daisy
Dave Franco as J.J.
Production & Crew
Distributor: A24
Production Co: A24, Film4, Escape Plan, Lobo Films
Director(s): Rose Glass
Producer(s): Andrea Cornwell, Oliver Kassman
Writer(s): Rose Glass, Weronika Tofilska
Cinematography: Ben Fordesman
Music: Clint Mansell
Editor: Mark Towns
Hair/Makeup Lead(s): Frieda Valenzuela (makeup), Megan Daum (hair)
Costumes: Olga Mill
The Trailer
Original Poems / Possiblu Related Media
Love Lies Bleeding
by William Wordsworth
You call it, Love lies bleeding, — so you may,
Though the red Flower, not prostrate, only droops,
As we have seen it here from day to day,
From month to month, life passing not away:
A flower how rich in sadness! Even thus stoops,
(Sentient by Grecian sculpture’s marvellous power)
Thus leans, with hanging brow and body bent
Earthward in uncomplaining languishment
The dying Gladiator. So, sad Flower!
(‘T is Fancy guides me willing to be led,
Though by a slender thread,)
So drooped Adonis bathed in sanguine dew
Of his death-wound, when he from innocent air
The gentlest breath of resignation drew;
While Venus in a passion of despair
Rent, weeping over him, her golden hair
Spangled with drops of that celestial shower.
She suffered, as Immortals sometimes do;
But pangs more lasting far, that Lover knew
Who first, weighed down by scorn, in some lone bower
Did press this semblance of unpitied smart
Into the service of his constant heart,
His own dejection, downcast Flower! could share
With thine, and gave the mournful name which thou wilt ever bear.
by Algernon Charles Swinburne
Love lies bleeding in the bed whereover
Roses lean with smiling mouths or pleading:
Earth lies laughing where the sun’s dart clove her:
Love lies bleeding.
Stately shine his purple plumes, exceeding
Pride of princes: nor shall maid or lover
Find on earth a fairer sign worth heeding.
Yet may love, sore wounded scarce recover
Strength and spirit again, with life receding:
Hope and joy, wind-winged, about him hover:
Love lies bleeding.