The Highest of Stakes (2023)

The Story

The real story of the most controversial figure in crypto and the fastest appreciating asset: Richard Heart and the Hex Token.


The Deets

Runtime: 1h 30m
Genre: Documentary
Original Language: English
Release Date (US Theaters): August 4, 2023 Limited

Main Cast


Production & Crew

Distributor: Indican Pictures
Production Co: Muse Storytelling
Director(s): Patrick Moreau, Grant Peelle
Producer(s): Caitlin Miranda, Ken Brengle, Patrick Moreau, QuattroCinco, Rackham Rishel
Cinematography: Patrick Moreau, Morvarid Reyes Talebzadeh
Music: David Shipps
Editor: Braden Dragomir, Ty Humphrey, Taylor Leeder, Patrick Moreau

The Trailer